How to release ============== Documentation ------------- The documentation is built using ``sphinx``: * ``pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild`` To create the documentation in html format: * ``make html`` To create the documentation in PDF format: * ``make latexpdf`` PyInstaller ----------- From the root folder, run the command: * ``pyinstaller --clean -y freeze\BAG_.1file.spec`` For the `BAG_.1file.spec` files, you need to verify that the following parameters are passed to the ``EXE()`` function: * ``console=False``: to avoid that a console window is opened at run-time for standard I/O * ``debug=False``: to avoid that the boot-loader issues progress messages while initializing and starting the bundled app PyPi ---- Some instructions can be found `here `_: * ``pip install --upgrade build`` * ``py -m build`` * ``pip install --upgrade twine`` * ``twine upload --repository pypi dist/*`` Remember to set the API token in the `.pypirc` setup file.