.. image:: _static/epom.png :width: 200px :height: 200px :align: center :alt: logo .. _python_basics: Programming Basics with Python - Quick Start ============================================ .. index:: quickstart .. index:: Python; basics Introduction ------------ **Programming Basics with Python** is a collection of :term:`notebooks` that aims to teach you :term:`programming` basics in :term:`Python`, assuming *zero knowledge* on the subject, in preparation for the labs and exercises in the Ocean Mapping courses. You will **not** need to install :term:`Python` on your computer, since the :term:`notebooks` run on a `CCOM/JHC `_ :term:`server` that has :term:`Python` already installed. Thus, what you need for this course is just: - An updated, modern :term:`browser` (e.g., `Mozilla Firefox `_, `Google Chrome `_, `Apple Safari `_). - An Internet connection. .. figure:: ./_static/no_edge_and_explorer.png :width: 180px :align: center :alt: no edge and explorer :figclass: align-center .. index:: browser To avoid visualization issues, please do **not** use Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or an outdated :term:`browser` (e.g., Apple Safari is no longer updated for Windows). If you need to use one of these browsers, please contact `us `_ for specific instructions. If you do not have access to a computer, you may use a tablet or a smartphone. In such a case, your user experience might be not optimal (due to the limited screen size and a few visualization issues). | .. index:: access; first-time .. index:: username .. index:: password .. _python_basics_first_access: First-time Access ----------------- If you landed on this page, you have likely got an email from `CCOM/JHC `_. With the same email you should have also received: - The following **quick-access url** to access the :term:`notebooks` collection on the :term:`server`: `quick-access url `_. - Your personal **username** to access the `CCOM/JHC `_ :term:`server`. Each time that you use the **quick-access url** with your :term:`browser`, you will be welcomed by a login prompt (:numref:`login_prompt`). .. _login_prompt: .. figure:: ./_static/login_prompt.png :width: 360px :align: center :alt: login prompt :figclass: align-center :target: https://epom3.hydroffice.org/hub/user-redirect/git-pull?repo=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fhydroffice%2Fpython_basics&urlpath=tree%2Fpython_basics%2F000_Welcome_on_Board.ipynb&branch=epom2022 The login prompt that provides access to the CCOM/JHC :term:`server`. The very first time that you follow the **quick-access url**, you have to put in the login prompt: - In the **Username** field, the username that you received by email. - In the **Password** field, a `strong password `_ of your choice. **You need to remember the chosen password** since it will be used any time that you want to access again the `CCOM/JHC `_ :term:`server`. For any following access, use the **quick-access url**, your assigned **username**, and the **chosen password**. | .. index:: notebook; welcome Welcome Notebook ---------------- After the login to the :term:`server`, a welcome :term:`notebook` will be open (:numref:`welcome_notebook`). .. _welcome_notebook: .. figure:: ./_static/welcome_notebook.png :width: 600px :align: center :alt: welcome notebook :figclass: align-center The welcome :term:`notebook`. This :term:`notebook` will provide you with: - The minimal set of notions required to begin to use a :term:`notebook`. - Directions on how to access the other available :term:`notebooks`. | .. index:: support Support ------- If you experience difficulties in completing the **Programming Basics with Python** training, it is important to seek help from all sources before your arrival at `CCOM/JHC `_, including fellow students and instructors. We are always willing to help! For issues or suggestions related to the above directions, write to `epom@ccom.unh.edu `_. | Supplementary Material ---------------------- * :ref:`cheat_sheets` * :ref:`past_evaluations` | **Now you should be ready to go!**